L'accueil est une cérémonie ou une prestation réservée à un nouvel arrivant, consistant généralement à lui souhaiter la bienvenue et à l'aider dans son intégration ou ses démarches. Il peut désigner le service chargé de cette prestation, le lieu où ce service travaille. Un accueil collectif de mineurs (ACM) est, en langage administratif français, un camp de vacances pour jeunes ;
Das bekannteste Wiki ist die Online-Enzyklopädie Wikipedia, welche die Wiki-Software MediaWiki einsetzt. Zudem nutzen auch viele Unternehmen Wikis als Teil des Wissensmanagementsystems in ihrem Intranet (standortübergreifend), siehe Enterprise Wiki .
Wikipédia Écouter est une encyclopédie universelle, multilingue, créée par Jimmy Wales et Larry Sanger le 15 janvier 2001, gérée par wiki dans le site web wikipedia. Les versions des différentes langues utilisent le même logiciel de publication, MediaWiki , et ont la même apparence, mais elles comportent des variations dans leurs ...
Wikimedia is a global movement whose mission is to bring free educational content to the world. Wikimedia is a global movement whose mission is to bring free educational content to the world. Through various projects, chapters, and the support structure of the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation, ...
Maapod-apod sa matag Bisaya/Sugboanon ang usa ka libreng ensiklopedya.
This is the front page of the Simple English Wikipedia. Wikipedias are places where people work together to write encyclopedias in different languages. We use Simple English words and grammar here. The Simple English Wikipedia is for everyone! That includes children and …
La versione in lingua italiana di Wikipedia è soprannominata it.wiki ed è nata a maggio del 2001, sotto il nome a dominio di terzo livello it.wikipedia. Nel 2003 nascono le Wikipedia in latino e in occitano .
Nov 06, 2018· The official Wikipedia Android app is designed to help you find, discover, and explore knowledge on Wikipedia. Settle a bet with a friend by doing a quick search for a specific article, or dive into featured articles, images, recommendations, and more using the Explore feed.
Wiki,2006,Wiki。 Wiki, 。 Wiki, …
Wikipedia's name is a combination of the two words wiki, Hawaiian for quick, and encyclopedia. Because the word was made by combining parts of those words, it is a portmanteau . Wikipedia was started on January 10, 2001 by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger as part of an earlier Internet encyclopedia named Nupedia .
Portales temáticos Explorar Wikipedia Artículo destacado Un análogo a la Tierra —también llamado Tierra gemela , exotierra , segunda Tierra , Tierra alienígena , Tierra 2 o planeta tipo Tierra — es un planeta con condiciones similares a las encontradas en la Tierra .
Der findes nu over 48 millioner artikler på Wikipedia, hvoraf 241.163 er på dansk
Yıldız, ağırlıklı olarak hidrojen ve helyumdan oluşan, yoğun ve karanlık uzayda ışık saçan gökyüzünde bir nokta olarak görünen plazma küresidir.Bir araya toplanan yıldızların oluşturduğu gökadalar gözlemlenebilir evrenin hâkimidir. Dünya'dan çıplak gözle görülebilen yaklaşık altı bin dolayında yıldız vardır ve Dünya'ya en yakın yıldız, aynı zamanda ...
リーゼ・マイトナーは1910から1950までしたオーストリアの。 、のをった。 プロトアクチニウムの、のなどでられる。; アナスタシア・ニコラエヴナ・ロマノヴァは、のロシア ニコライ2とアレクサンドラの ...
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure («Невероятные приключения ДжоДжо») — серия выпусков манги, автором и иллюстратором которой является Хирохико Араки.С 1987 по 2004 год серия публиковалась в журнале Weekly Shonen Jump, затем выпуск ...
ჩეჩნებისა და ინგუშების დეპორტაცია (რუს. Депортация чеченцев и ингушей) ასევე ცნობილია, როგორც აარდახი (ჩეჩ. Aardax), ოპერაცია ოსპი (რუს. Чечевица) — საბჭოთა ...
The software running this wiki is automatically updated whenever there is a change to the software (currently running 1.33.0-alpha (40d5183)). It is used for testing purposes by Wikimedia developers. This wiki is configured to be like en.wikipedia. For more information, see Beta cluster main page and wikitech:Beta Cluster.
Wales (Welsh: Cymru ) is a kintra that is pairt o the Unitit Kinrick an the island o Great Breetain. It is mairchit bi Ingland tae the east, the Erse Sea tae the north an wast, an the Bristol Channel tae the sooth. It haed a population in 2011 o 3,063,456 an haes a tot aurie o 20,779 km 2 (8,023 sq mi). Wales …
Wikipedia is een online encyclopedie die ernaar streeft inhoud te bieden die vrij herbruikbaar, objectief en verifieerbaar is. Het project is gebouwd op vijf zuilen . De Nederlandstalige versie startte op 19 juni 2001 en is, gemeten naar het aantal lemma's , met ongeveer …
Wikipedia ist ein Projekt zum Aufbau einer Enzyklopädie aus freien Inhalten, zu denen du sehr gern beitragen kannst. Seit Mai 2001 sind 2.239.576 Artikel in deutscher Sprache entstanden.
کاروانسرای دِیرِ گچین، یکی از بزرگترین کاروانسراهای ایران، در مرکز پارک ملی کویر قرار دارد. ویژگیهای منحصربهفرد این اثر باعث شده آن را «مادر کاروانسراهای ایران» بنامند.
Wikipedia trực thuộc Quỹ Hỗ trợ Wikimedia, một tổ chức phi lợi nhuận tại tiểu bang California, Hoa Kỳ, cho phép trừ thuế những khoản đóng góp. Wikimedia cũng đồng thời điều hành vài dự án wiki khác.
Nov 07, 2018· Wikipedia (plural Wikipedias) A free-content online encyclopedia founded in 2001, collaboratively developed over the World Wide Web in a number of languages. 2011, The Guardian, January 12. Civility – translated as savoir-vivre in the French version – is one of the five "pillars" of Wikipedia.
위키백과는 전 세계 여러 언어로 만들어 나가는 자유 백과사전으로, 누구나 참여하실 수 있습니다. 현재 한국어 위키백과에는 문서 432,409개가 실려 있습니다.
Wikipedia è un'enciclopedia online, collaborativa e libera. Grazie al contributo di volontari da tutto il mondo, ad ora Wikipedia è disponibile in 303 lingue.
El término wiki [nota 1] (proviene del hawaiano wiki, «rápido») [2] alude al nombre que recibe una comunidad virtual, cuyas páginas son editadas directamente desde el navegador, donde los mismos usuarios crean, modifican, corrigen o eliminan contenidos que, generalmente, comparten.
The Wikimedia Endowment provides dedicated funding to realize the power and promise of Wikipedia and its sister projects — ensuring access to knowledge for everyone, everywhere. For more information or to make a gift, email us at endowment@wikimedia .
A Wikipédia é um projeto de enciclopédia colaborativa, universal e multilíngue estabelecido na internet sob o princípio wiki. Tem como propósito fornecer um conteúdo livre, objetivo e verificável , que todos possam editar e melhorar.