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File:Germanic bracteate from Funen, Denmark (DR BR42).jpg This is a retouched picture , which means that it has been digitally altered from its original version. Modifications: brightness & contrast .
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1 23 novembre 2005 Vol. 52, No November 23, 2005 Vol. 52, No. 2665. 2 Vol. 52, No RENSEIGNEMENTS DIVERS Le Journal est publié tous les mercredis et sa publication est réalisée conformément à l'article 17 du Règlement sur les marques de commerce (1996). Le registraire des marques de commerce ne peut garantir l'exactitude de cette publication, et il n'assume aucune …
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Today, Vilebrequin is a favorite among the jet-setting elite for its instantly identifiable textiles and detailed craftsmanship. Known for whimsical patterns and photo-real prints, luxury swimwear brand Vilebrequin was established in Saint-Tropez in 1971 by photographer Fred Prysquel.
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Belgium, with a total population of 10,438,353 as of July 2012, is located in Western Europe, bordering the North Sea, between France and the Netherlands. Belgium covers a total area of 30,528 km 2 and has a temperate climate.
Vilebrequin. Vilebrequin was born in St Tropez in 1971, inspired by the glamour and très chic lifestyle of the French Riviera, with its movie stars, luxury yachts and ultra-cool nightspots.
1 28 août 2002 Vol. 49, N 2496 August 28, 2002 Vol. 49, No. 24962 Vol. 49, No RENSEIGNEMENTS DIVERS Le présent Journal paraît tous ...
French luxury swimwear, ready-to-wear for father and son, from St.Tropez since 1971 Vilebrequin Official Website To provide the best possible shopping experience and advertising relevance, Vilebrequin uses cookies to store information.
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1 23 février 2000 Vol. 47, N 2365 February 23, 2000 Vol. 47, No. 2365. 2 Vol. 47, No RENSEIGNEMENTS DIVERS Le présent Journal paraît tous les mercredis et sa publication est réalisée conformément à l'article 17 des Règles relatives aux marques de commerce. Le registraire des marques de commerce ne peut garantir l'exactitude de cette publication, et il n'assume aucune responsabilité …