CAPE HIGH COURT: 1 September 2003 4332/02 African Bank Limited v Melvyn Weiner and others The present application for declaratory relief arises from the ever-growing South African micro-lending industry and concerns the rights and duties of administrators appointed in terms of the provisions of sec 74 of the Magistrates’ Courts Act, 32 of 1944 (as amended) (the Act).
Microsoft Corp., 2003 WL 262324 (D.D.C. Jan. 11, 2003) (Order Denying Intervention), and the movants now appeal both the district court's denial of their motion for leave to intervene and, if allowed, the district court's public-interest determination under the Tunney Act.
Mr. Karl J. Gribnitz, B. Comm, B Comm (Hons) (RAU), M Comm (UNISA), FC serves as Chief Executive Officer of Royal Bafokeng Capital (Pty) Ltd. and South African Coal Mining Holdings Limited.
Zenit (Zenith), a voluntary sports society of the USSR’s trade unions that affiliates physical culture groups in a number of branches of the machine-building industry. Zenit was set up in 1936; from 1957 to 1966, after the reorganization of sports societies, the Zenit groups were a part of the Trud (Labor) society and other sports societies in various ...
Judgments 2003 : All documents are in PDF format and require Acrobat Reader to open. (*) Case Correction ... Lutzkie NO and another v Zenith Concessions Ltd 386/02 . 26 Sep . 80: Minister Of Safety And Security v Hamilton 457/02 . ... (Pty) Ltd v Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service 277/02 . 30 May . 47:
Extinctive prescription - Lutzkie and Another NNO v Zenith Concessions Ltd 2003(6) SA 643(SCA); Stockdale and Another v Stockdale 2004(1) SA 68(C) Running of prescription in favour of surety - Jans v Nedcor Bank Ltd 2003(6) SA 646(SCA)
Zenit (Zenith), a voluntary sports society of the USSR’s trade unions that affiliates physical culture groups in a number of branches of the machine-building industry. Zenit was set up in 1936; from 1957 to 1966, after the reorganization of sports societies, the Zenit groups were a part of the Trud (Labor) society and other sports societies in various ...
Opinion for Santiero v. Denny's Restaurant Store, 786 F. Supp. 2d 1228 — Brought to you by Free Law Project, a non-profit dedicated to creating high quality open legal information.
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United States Court of Appeals,Federal Circuit. COOPER TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY, Plaintiff-Appellant, v. Jon W. DUDAS, Director, United States Patent and Trademark Office, Defendant-Appellee, Thomas & Betts Corporation, Defendant-Appellee.
Rosa Parks, Plaintiff-appellant, v. Laface Records, et al., Defendants-appellees, 329 F.3d 437 (6th Cir. 2003) case opinion from the US Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit
THE SUPREME COURT OF APPEAL OF SOUTH AFRICA. Reportable. CASE NO: 386/2002. In the matter between : F W A LUTZKIE NO First Appellant S C LUTZKIE NO Second Appellant. and. ZENITH CONCESSIONS LIMITED Respondent. Before: MPATI, NUGENT JJA & VAN HEERDEN AJA
2 STANDARD OF REVIEW Pursuant to Rule 56(c) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, a party is entitled to summary judgment if a court determines from its examination of “the pleadings, depositions,
View OLAITAN LASORE’S profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. ... Zenith Bank. 2003 – 2008 5 years Review of COT and interest rates concessions – Analysis of concessions vis-à-vis turnover covenants/targets Facility pricing review – Recognition and recovery of omitted fees/charges on approved facilities.
Judgments 2003 : All documents are in PDF format and require Acrobat Reader to open. (*) Case Correction ... Lutzkie NO and another v Zenith Concessions Ltd 386/02 ... First National Bank of Southern Africa Ltd v Barclays Bank Plc and another 118/02
The zenith of Serbian power was reached in 1346, ... Further concessions were made to the ethnic Albanians of Kosovo in response to unrest, ... Over an 82-year period (1921–2003) the population of Kosovo grew to 460% of its original size.
Finally, I believe that our decision in Caribbean Broadcasting Sys., Ltd. v. Cable & Wireless PLC, 148 F.3d 1080 (D.C.Cir.1998), cannot be construed to support the majority's interpretation of the FTAIA.
Lutzkie NO and Another v Zenith Concessions Ltd (386/2002) [2003] ZASCA 97; (26 September 2003); Lykes Lines Ltd, LCC v Vereeniging Meat Packers (Pty) Ltd …
Following Ms. Johnson’s concession that exhaustion of ... Ltd. v. Zenith Radio Corp., 475 U.S. 574, 586 (1986). A fact constitutes a “material” fact if it might ... 635 (4th Cir. 2003). By following policy instead of treating the needs of Ms. Wilson, Ms. Johnson …
benefit concessions made by each employee group.8 UAL’s board unanimously rejected the proposal, concluding that its ... the poison pill reached its zenith with the im- ... City Capital Assocs. Ltd. P’ship v. Interco Inc., 551 A.2d 787, 800 (Del. Ch. 1988).
ZENITH PLASTICS INDUSTRIES LIMITED v. SAMOTECH LIMITED. March 23, 2018; ... On completion of the contract Belhope Plastics Ltd paid its own share of N96,500, while the defendant did not pay its own share of N96,500 despite demands for payment by the plaintiff.
Zenith Radio Corp. v. Hazeltine Research, Inc., 401 U.S. 321, 338, 91 S.Ct. 795, 28 L.Ed.2d 77 (1971). The "act" complained of in this case is the alleged sham patent lawsuit filed by Smithkline in 1997.
The tariff history of the United States spans from 1789 to present. The first tariff law passed by the U.S. Congress, acting under the then recently ratified Constitution, was the Tariff of 1789.Its purpose was to generate revenue for the federal government (to run the government and to pay the interest on its debt), and also to act as a protective barrier around newly starting domestic ...
In Banff Ltd. v. Limited, Inc., 869 F.Supp. 1103 (S.D.N.Y.1994), a corporate parent was held not vicariously liable for its subsidiary's trademark infringements where the parent made no decisions regarding sales and purchases and had no involvement in operating any of the subsidiary's retail stores, and where the two had different headquarters ...
court has jurisdiction. Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 504 U.S. 555, 561 (1992). Because subject matter jurisdiction focuses on the court’s power to hear a claim, the court must give the
unpublishedunited states court of appeals for the fourth circuit law enforcement alliance of america, incorporated,
Competitive Price Concessions To Solo And Small Dental Practices Throughout The 2013-16 Period That Continues To This Day Patterson s strategic goals every year highlight its desire to
The Seljuk empire was founded by Tughril Beg (1016–1063) in 1037. Tughril was raised by his grandfather, Seljuk -Beg, who was in a high position in the Oghuz Yabgu State . Seljuk gave his name to both the Seljuk empire and the Seljuk dynasty .
Home/Product/lutzkie v zenith concessions ltd 2003 InfoUpdate no.35, 10 October 2003 - Notice Board 26 September 2003 386/02 Lutzkie NO and another v Zenith Concessions Ltd ... whether terminable on reasonable notice a matter of construction ...
With offices in Gambia, Sierra Leone, South Africa and China, Zenith Bank offers an extensive portfolio of services, including cross border trade finance, lending and treasury products and services, as well as family office and wealth management consultancy to corporations across the continent.
Matsushita Elec. Indus. Co. v. Zenith Radio Corp., 475 U.S. 574, 587 (1986). Here, an independent review of the record and relevant case law reveals that the district court properly granted summary judgment in favor of Appellee as to Appellant’s claims.
Petroleum industry in Nigeria Nigeria is the largest oil and gas producer in Africa . Crude oil from the delta basin comes in two types: light, and comparatively heavy – the lighter around 36 gravity and the heavier, 20–25 gravity.
Matsushita Elec. Indus. Co., Ltd. v. Zenith Radio Corp., 475 U.S. 574, 586 (1986). The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure require the non-moving party to present specific facts showing that a genuine factual issue exists by "citing to particular parts of materials in the record" or by "showing that the materials cited do not establish the absence ...
Department of Health and Human Services DEPARTMENTAL APPEALS BOARD Appellate Division Zille Shah, M.D., and Zille Huma Zaim, M.D., PA Docket No.
Lutzkie NO and Another v Zenith Concessions Ltd (386/2002) [2003] ZASCA 97 (26 September 2003) Minister of Safety and Security v Hamilton (457/2002) [2003] ZASCA 98; [2003] 4 All SA 117 (SCA) (26 September 2003)
In September of 1999, Greene, the then owner of the Corporate Defendants, entered into negotiations with Jennings and other members of Local 100 in the hopes of securing some concessions …