Jinzhou Tiegong Railway Maintenance Machinery Co.Ltd. is located at No.837, Xingshan Street of the economy & technology development zone of Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province. Being founded in 1992, Tiegong is a factory mechanically processing and manufacturing railway dedicated devices and test-inspection equipment.
welcome to jinzhou tiegong co.,, ltd. Founded in 1992, our company is an ISO9001 certified manufacture of various types of professional railway equipment. We are specialized in designing and producing more than 100 types of products with our own brand “Liaojin Tiegong”.
Jinzhou Tiegong Railway Maintenance Machinery Co., Ltd. is located in Jinzhou City, where is a historic and seaside city and in favor of convenient road and railway transportation.
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We are specialized in designing and producing more than 100 types of products Jinzhou Tiegong Railway Maintenance Machinery Co., Ltd. is located in Jinzhou City, where is a historic and seaside city and in favor of convenient road and railway transportation.
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Jinzhou Tiegong company was established in 1992, It is an ISO9001 certified leading Manufacturer of more than 100 types of railway equipment, including rail cutting, drilling, grinding, tamping machines…
Jinzhou Tiegong Railway Maintenance machiner Co., Ltd. Locates in Jinzhou city, where is a historic and seaside city and in favor of good road and railway communication.
Jinzhou TieGong Railway Maintenance Machinery Co.,Ltd Contact:Pang Shuchang Tel: 400-0416918 Mobile: Q Q :2960308590
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