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FL - Energy-efficient grinding mill designed for a ... With more than 150 mills sold, the OK™ cement mill has proven to be the most reliable and efficient cement vertical roller mill (VRM) available.
FL is the world's leading supplier of cement plants and technology for cement producers From plant design and project management to commissioning, training and on-site services, we offer you one source for everything it takes to design, build and operate profitable plants.
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The ATOX Raw Mill is a highly efficient mill that grinds all types of raw materials – saving both space and energy while delivering outstanding performance
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OK mill1.94 Мб. Vertical Roller Mill (VRM) cement produced with low mill outlet temperature should not be stored in a silo together with high temperature cement (>70 degree Celsius).This is where MAAG’s professionalism and expert knowledge of the particular demands of a cement mill came to the fore.
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FL has signed a contract with Bangladesh company, Shah Cement Industries Ltd, for the supply of an FL OK TM 62-6 vertical mill to its Mukhtarpur plant, Munshiganj, Bangladesh. With a capacity of up to 640tph and 3800 Blaine, the OK TM 62-6 will be the largest cement VRM in …
OK cement mill - FLOK™ cement mill. 2 Application advantages ... one unit, thus simplifying the plant lay-out. A low noise level makes outdoor installation feasible ...vrm cement mill d occasion à vendreraymond mill d occasion à vendr