Basic Vastu For Home . A home other than being only a house to live, it is an increase of our mental space and indication of our identity. Every part of our life is profoundly laced with the design, decor and maintenance of our home.
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Vastu tips for home According to several traditional beliefs, each house has its own energy type. Once a person starts living in a house he comes under the influence of a specific energy field.
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Vastu Shastra is an amazing blend of science, art, astronomy and astrology. It can also be said to be an ancient mystic science or philosophy for designing the building that help to make our lives better.
Vastu shastra (vāstu śāstra) is a traditional Hindu system of architecture which literally translates to "science of architecture."These are texts found on the Indian subcontinent that describe principles of design, layout, measurements, ground preparation, space arrangement and spatial geometry.
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The science of Vastu adds value to one’s life and brings in peace and prosperity. Behind every Vastu tip is a deep scientific reason and hence it becomes more plausible to follow. As we enter ...
Both feng shui and vastu shastra agree on the utmost importance of the center of a dwelling. In feng shui, the center is called the heart of the home, or the yin-yang point from which all other bagua energies originate from. The center should always be kept clean and happy, with good, fresh energy.
Conseils pour Vastu Garder Plantes d'intérieur Vastu, aussi connu comme vaastu ou vaastu shastra, signifie site, et est une science bien connu ancienne basée autour équilibrer les cinq éléments de la nature avec l'homme et objets matériels.
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Good Vastu Layout has a significant impact on Lifestyle and Health.Designing a pleasant and well-balanced environment generates a positive flow in the house. Properly organizing living space, according to vastu will attract good luck, prosperity, and health.
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Vastu for Home – A Comprehensive House Vastu Guide November 27, 2013 by VastuShastraAdmin Vastu for home is a collective approach, what I mean here is that if you do vastu for all rooms and parts of a home then complete home automatically becomes as per vastu.
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