Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) has proven to be extremely versatile, providing multielement analysis in real time without sample preparation. The principle is based on the ablation of a small amount of target material by interaction of a strong laser beam with a solid target. The laser ...
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144 Bergstrom, T.C. (1970), A "Scandinavian Consensus" Solution for Efficient Income Distributions among Nonmalevolent Consumers, Journal of Economic Theory, 2 : 383-398.
The governing equations are discussed for the flow of salt solution with significant density variations through a porous medium. Equations for mass conservation, salt conservation, and momentum conservation are formulated in terms of the mass fraction weighted average velocity and the mass fraction of concentrated salt solution, and the underlying approximations are considered.
Richard Kylea Cowie Jr, MBE (born 19 January 1979), better known by his stage name Wiley and in his early career Wiley Kat, is an English rapper, recording artist and record producer from Bow, East London. He first tasted success as a member of UK garage crew Pay As U Go, with whom he had a top 40 hit, "Champagne Dance" in 2001.
Un questionnaire administré par téléphone faisant appel à l’échelle de la douleur chronique graduée, comportant des questions sur les soins de santé et l’usage des médicaments, l’état de santé, la dépression et la démographie, a été présenté à des adultes …
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) offers rapid, localized chemical analysis of solid or liquid materials with high spatial resolution in lateral and depth profiling, without the need for sample preparation. Principal component analysis and partial least squares algorithms were applied to identify a variety of complex organic and inorganic samples.
With about 13 000 works, The City of Paris Museum of modern art museum collections represent the wealth of the artistic creation in XXth and XXIth centuries and testifies of the dynamism of the contemporary artistic scene.
Jean-Marc Xuereb Professor, Department Marketing Head of Sales and Marketing Strategy Chair, Head of Communication and Brand Strategy Chair Contact Mail:
After a long period of relative exclusion from serious consideration by social sciences, the study of culture and the arts has become a lively sociological arena in the United States, as it had already been in much of Europe. No longer a stepchild of the serious business of sociologists, the arts are, if not central, then at least a legitimate, as opposed to a frivolous subject.
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Abstract. This work was designed to study the impact of prenatal knowledge of fetal both on the psychological and obstetrical aspects of the expectant mothers during pregnancy and labour.
Please note: Wiley-Blackwell is not responsible for the content or functionality of any supporting materials supplied by the authors. Any queries (other than missing material) should be directed to the corresponding author for the article.
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Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) performed on thin sections of rodent tissues: kidneys and tumor, allows the detection of inorganic elements such as (i) Na, Ca, Cu, Mg, P, and Fe, naturally present in the body and (ii) Si and Gd, detected after the injection of gadolinium-based nanoparticles.
Optical emissions from major and trace elements embodied in a transparent gel prepared from cooking oil were detected when the gel was spread in thin film on a metallic substrate and a plasma was induced on the substrate surface using nanosecond infrared pulsed laser. Such emissions are due to indirect breakdown of the coating layer. The generated plasma, a mixture of substances from the ...
This work was designed to study the impact of prenatal knowledge of fetal both on the psychological and obstetrical aspects of the expectant mothers during pregnancy and labour.
Laurent Menut, Isabelle Chiapello and Cyril Moulin, Predictability of mineral dust concentrations: The African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis first short observation period forecasted with CHIMERE‐DUST, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 114, D7, (2009).
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Xuereb, H. Gatignon), Journal of Marketing Research, Feb 1997, Vol. 36, Issue 1 "Standardisation ou adaptation des échelles de mesure à travers différents contextes nationaux : l'exemple d'une échelle de mesure de l'innovativité" (JM.
Pre-impregnated woven fabric is an increasingly important component as the reinforcement phase of composite materials for many mechanical structures (automotive and aerospace). Modelling woven fabrics is difficult due, in particular, to the need to simulate the response both at the scale of the entire fabric and at the meso-level, the scale of the fibre that composes the weave.
Abstract. A daily analysis of African dust concentrations in the Mediterranean atmosphere has been made between June 1983 and December 1994 using the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP-B2) archive of Meteosat visible (VIS) channel images.
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Why is the analysis of Third World foreign policies still labeled the underdeveloped study of underdeveloped countries? Do we know how social cleavages, structures of post-colonial states, and types of dependency influence international behavior and patterns of decision making?
Les scientifiques chinois viennent, après bien d'autres, apporter de l'eau à notre moulin. Il est temps d'agir pour ré-infiltrer l'eau dans les terres. Non seulement les biefs rééquilibrent la balance de l'eau entre ciel, mer et écosystème intermédiaire, donc modèrent les dérèglements climatiques mais ces études démontrent que c ...
Damien Violeau of Électricité de France (EDF), Paris (EDF) with expertise in: Aerospace Engineering, Naval Engineering and Ocean Engineering. Read 57 publications, and contact Damien Violeau on ...
The finding of an independent contribution of frequency trajectory to both rated and objective AoA validates the use of frequency trajectory as a variable to predict latencies in word reading, naming, lexical decision and spelling to dictation.
Time perspective (TP) is a fundamental dimension of the psychological construction of time. It refers to a subjective experience and can be defined as the relationship that individuals and groups have with the present, past, and future. Studies have shown that it is interesting to take into account ...
The creation of a more stable flame along with the extension of flammability limits under lean mixture combustion was the main motivation to develop a new burner design, which has …
HP Moulin de laboratoire Thomas Wiley, modèle . Information sur L'équipement. StatutDisponible. Occasion moulin de laboratoire Thomas Wiley, modèleZ, tirée parch, moteurvolts, vitesse réglable.
Validation d’une échelle de bien-être général auprès d’une population âgée de 50 à 75 ans (Validation of a General Well-Being Scale with a population aged 50 to 75 years). Revue Canadienne du Vieillissement , 151 , 112 – 128 . doi: 10.1017/S07325 .
Moulin B., Piégay H., 2004, « Characteristics and temporal variability of Large Woody Debris stored in the reservoir of Genissiat, Rhône : elements for river basin management », River Research and Applications 20 : 79-97.
After a long period of relative exclusion from serious consideration by social sciences, the study of culture and the arts has become a lively sociological arena in the United States, as it had already been in much of Europe. No longer a stepchild of the serious business of sociologists, the arts are, if not central, then at least a legitimate, as opposed to a frivolous subject.
On the Origins of New Forms of Life: Works cited (A-G).
Moulin B., Piégay H., 2004, « Characteristics and temporal variability of Large Woody Debris stored in the reservoir of Genissiat, Rhône : elements for river basin management », River Research and Applications 20, p. 79-97.