Water flowing through moulins generally reaches all the way to the bottom of the ice sheet, creating a more slippery surface that accelerates the glacier's flow, so understanding moulin structure and dynamics can be useful in the study of meltwater activity and sea level rise.
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Moulin Rouge, a famous cabaret in Paris Disambiguation page providing links to articles with similar titles This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the title Moulins .
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Oct 06, 2015· Linear atrophoderma of Moulin (LAM) is an acquired skin condition that manifests in early childhood and adolescence. It likely represents a form of cutaneous mosaicism that presents with linear, hyperpigmented and atrophic lesions appearing on the trunk and limbs.
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Le Moulin Rouge is a theater building. The project is located in Paris (18th), Paris, Ile-de-France, France, Europe.
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