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Plump, juicy and resonant in the glass, the 2012 Moulin-à-Vent Les Rouchaux stands out for its purity of fruit and open, supple personality. Dark red cherry and plum notes ring out in a beautifully expressive and generous Moulin a Vent with tons of near-term appeal. (AG) (1/2014) 88-90 points ...
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Petit rappel : dans une demi heure nous ouvrons le moulin pour des visites, et à 17h on se retrouve pour l'AG. A tout à l'heure ! Saint Martin du Durzon - réhabilitation d'un moulin à Nant, Larzac, Aveyron added an event. Sp S on S so S red S · August 8, 2017 ·
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An array of red-toned fruit, slate, crushed rocks and flowers inform the 2012 Moulin-à-Vent La Roche. Energetic and focused to the core, the 2012 impresses for its pure energy, focus and cut. The lifted, chalky style of the 2012 is hugely attractive. Today, the 2012 is tense and wiry, but it should ...
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Discover the MOULIN A FLEURS (JAM001) in the Bijoux collection of the official website of Swatch United Kingdom. Discover the MOULIN A FLEURS (JAM001) in the Bijoux collection of the official website of Swatch United Kingdom.
May 14, 2013· Visite du moulin à vent de Gouville dans la Manche lors de l'AG de l'ARAM Basse-Normandie du 23 mars 2013. Association Régionale des Amis des Moulins de Basse-Normandie.
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