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The Diamond Cement Group is primarily engaged in the manufacture and supply of building materials to developing markets in West Africa and India. The Group consists of primarily four principal divisions namely, Cement manufacturing, Steel manufacturing, Construction, Logistics & International Trading.
The Cost of a Bag of Cement in Ghana within the Last 3 Years Cement is the most commonly used building material in Ghana. Many commodities, goods and services including petroleum products, have seen price hikes over the years with cement not being an exception.
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The Ashanti Empire expanded from Ashanti to include the Brong-Ahafo Region, Central Region, Eastern Region, Greater Accra Region and Western Region of present-day Ghana.Due to the empire's military prowess, wealth, architecture, sophisticated hierarchy and culture,
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Welcome to Ghacem - The Nation Builder The establishment of Ghacem Limited marked a major turning point in Ghana’s development. Ghacem was founded by the Government of Ghana in collaboration with Norcem AS of Norway, on August 30, 1967.
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Ghana: The Cement Manufacturers Association of Ghana (CMAG) formally inaugurated itself at the start of July 2018. The association is intended to protect and accelerate the development of the industry, according to MyJoyOnline.