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No stranger to pyro-lit main stages—his percussive, synth-strafed 2014 single “C.U.B.A.” is big-room house at its most gargantuan—Harris has resisted getting boxed into any one sound.

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PYRO mini is a true utility device that opens up a new and exciting side to your magic. Multiple Shot Capability Each PYRO mini unit comes with 2 individually triggered barrels, meaning you can shoot off 2 fireballs before a reload is required.

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Pyro-Putty® 2500 High Temp Metal Sealer Now Available

Pyro-Putty® 2500 is a ceramic and iron oxide filled, high temperature paste used to bond, seal and repair defects up to 1/4″ in cross-section in cast iron and …

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℗ 2018 Sony Music Entertainment UK Limited; Also Available in iTunes About Calvin Harris, Sam Smith. Talk about an unexpected career trajectory. ... No stranger to pyro-lit main stages—his percussive, synth-strafed 2014 single “C.U.B.A.” is big-room house at its most gargantuan—Harris has resisted getting boxed into any one sound.

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