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AVERTISSEMENT Ce document est le fruit d’un long travail approuvé par le jury de soutenance et mis à disposition de l’ensemble de la communauté universitaire élargie. Il est soumis à la propriété intellectuelle de l’auteur.
2) Run 4 a Cause is also a Foundation that receives proceeds from its for-profit partner, 5K Race director, to support local youth sports. When you participate in an event with the Run 4 a Cause logo, you are supporting youth sports in your community.
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Run 4 a Cause Foundation partners with 5K Race Director to provide services and products to organizations that wish to host running and triathlon events.
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At Chequers, the country house used by British prime ministers, a typical Churchillian evening during the war would run: "From eight-thirty until nine we had drinks with Mrs. Churchill and perhaps one or two of the daughters were there.